Technical training bootcamp – right way to go?

[email protected] February 19, 2017 Connecting, Web Development Tags: , ,

Having completed a couple technical bootcamp training courses covering dozens and dozens of topics with the end goal of creating a usable website I was looking back to see if it was time well spent.  Having been a CIO, VP of IT, Technical Manager, Consulting Manager, Project Manager, and programmer I had certain level of… continue reading »

Top 5 Reasons Why Non-Profits Need to Use Social Media

[email protected] February 7, 2017 Connecting

Non-Profits are always looking for ways to get people involved, Social Media Marketing goes beyond direct marketing, leveraging the emotional connection their followers possess into a form easily used (smartphones, tablets,etc.) into an actionable event.  The communication barrier and the costs associated with connecting to the people wanting to make a difference has been slashed and… continue reading »

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